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switch ( VcImageProc ) case 2:Introduction of 灰度阈值变换算法 Demo —— “纯粹的线条”
一、前言   之前在《VcImgProc小插曲》中,笔者对系列博文的安排做了一些调整,把对 DEMO 的介绍(也就是本篇博文啦)放在了前面,提前进入情景。   为什么要提前?第一,我考虑到 “自顶向下” 的学习方法效果往往比 “自底向上” 更好,能够更早接触实际问题,学习
Introduction of new feature ‘Tag Cloud’ with SAP CRM 7.0 Ehp 1
SAP CRM 7.0 Ehp 1 introduces a quite fancy new feature called ‘Tag Cloud’. With Tag Cloud, we can easily put all kinds of Tags on most of the transaction objects across Sales, Service and Marketing ar