
TRocket is just like any other Twitter client. The only difference between TRocket and others is that TRocket is open source, which means any developer can modify it according to their own need.

Screenshot of the main form:


TRocket is an open source project that I started in June 2011. Though the development on this project was done very quickly, due to certain personal issues, I was not able to release this on time.

Using the Code

This program is coded in Visual Basic 2010. It uses twittervb library file, which is available at

Note that the code that is required before everything which you want to be downloaded from twitter is:

Dim objReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(Application.StartupPath & "\" _
	& Form2.TextBox3.Text & "_OAuthtk.dat")
My.Settings.m_strToken = objReader.ReadLine()


Dim objReader1 As New System.IO.StreamReader(Application.StartupPath & "\" _
	& Form2.TextBox3.Text & "_OAuthtkST.dat")
My.Settings.m_strTokenSecret = objReader1.ReadLine()


tw.AuthenticateWith(consumer, consumersecret, My.Settings.m_strToken, _

This code reads the security tokens that are downloaded after you login and put the PIN in the application.

Points of Interest

As I did this only for fun in the summer vacation, I did not get any time to clean up the code or add any proper comment lines to it. Please note that this application may take a few minutes to start-up at first. This is because login files are being downloaded.

*Sometimes, font might not show up properly on the application because of color issues. To solve this issue, go to: after login, click on your [Username]—->Settings—->Design—->Change Design Colors—->[CHANGE THE LINK COLOR]—->Save Changes.

After that, restart the application.

Known Bugs:

  1. Application may crash at any point if internet is not available.

  2. TryCatchEnd Try has not been added everywhere. [MORE CHANCES OF CRASH]

  3. If we only use space [space bar] in the tweet or message textbox, the Tweet/Send buttons get activated after 140 letters.

  4. Message box has not been added everywhere. Thus in some places, there is no way to notify the user about the actions performed by the application.

All programmers are requested to change the consumer and consumersecret string on all the forms with their own keys.

You can get those details form - [ACCOUNT REQUIRED].


About page

I will keep on updating this post from time to time. You can catch more information about me on my website:

This is my first post on this website. I hope you like it.

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