
this is an easy game puzzle . in this game user must order pieces of picture near others to complete desired picture . he/she can help numbers which is displayed on surface of each picture . when user complete picture the game will show him number of his moves to win . this game could be very complex for example it is very good that user can choose image or game save the highest score for each picture or in each point , game become harder than before or if it has a timer and score of user calculated according to time of game . all these are true , but I was going to create a game puzzle which is very easy . 

Using the code

first I say there are a lot of ways to do each work for example 'Puzzle Game' . I know some part of this game are good some part could be better,and perhaps some parts are wrong . perhaps  you can do it better , when I did this game I was a beginner in programing , it could be very better if I did it now . perhaps you can change some part of this code to work better , it is OK :)

this game is explained in some parts , please follow these 

  • MyButton is a class which inherits from class "Button" and has an extension filed "Number". this field determines the location which button must be located of surface of the form

        public class MyButton : Button
            private int number;
            public int Number
                    return this.number;
                    this.Text = value.ToString();
                    this.number = value;
            public MyButton()
  • main form of this project has these members 
        private int CrrentPictureNumber;
        private Bitmap CurrentBitmapImage;
        private Point EmptyLocation;
        private MyButton[] ButtonArray;
        private bool YouWin;
        private int NumberOfMoves;
        private FrmShowCurrentImage MyFrmShowCurrentImage;
        public event EventHandler CurrentImageChanged;

CurentPictureNumber  keeps a number between 1 and 7 which determines the number of  current picture which is loaded and located on surface of Main form

CurrentBitmapImage is a bitmap class which keeps current image which is located on the form

 Emptylocation is a point which determines location of empty square on surface of    the form . it is better to say that we have 25 square in surface of form , surface of 24 square are paint by selected picture and one square is empty to move the other squares

ButtonArray  is a two-dimensional  of class MyButton , this array is used when game is going to calculate location of each square to win the user or continue game

 NumberOfMoves keeps move number which user has done to complete the Image and win the game . each time user moves a square this field is increases 1 .


  • this game has 7 static image in resources which always are fixed and user can not change them  , when a new game starts , a picture is loaded from resources of project and it splits in 25 piece . the piece which is located in right bottom order of picture is removed and this location is knows as 'EmptyLocation', then these pieces are located randomly in surface of game . all these works and some other are done in these part of code

            private void LoadNewGame()
                this.myButton1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(20, 40);
                this.myButton2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(95, 40);
                this.myButton3.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(170, 40);
                this.myButton4.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(245, 40);
                this.myButton5.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(320, 40);
                this.myButton6.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(20, 115);
                this.myButton7.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(95, 115);
                this.myButton8.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(170, 115);
                this.myButton9.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(245, 115);
                this.myButton10.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(320, 115);
                this.myButton11.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(20, 190);
                this.myButton12.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(95, 190);
                this.myButton13.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(170, 190);
                this.myButton14.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(245, 190);
                this.myButton15.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(320, 190);
                this.myButton16.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(20, 265);
                this.myButton17.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(95, 265);
                this.myButton18.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(170, 265);
                this.myButton19.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(245, 265);
                this.myButton20.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(320, 265);
                this.myButton21.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(20, 340);
                this.myButton22.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(95, 340);
                this.myButton23.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(170, 340);
                this.myButton24.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(245, 340);
                if (this.CrrentPictureNumber == 7)
                    this.CrrentPictureNumber = 1;
                switch (this.CrrentPictureNumber)
                    case 1: CurrentBitmapImage = new Bitmap(GamePuzzle.Properties.Resources._1, new Size(375, 375));
                    case 2: CurrentBitmapImage = new Bitmap(GamePuzzle.Properties.Resources._2, new Size(375, 375));
                    case 3: CurrentBitmapImage = new Bitmap(GamePuzzle.Properties.Resources._3, new Size(375, 375));
                    case 4: CurrentBitmapImage = new Bitmap(GamePuzzle.Properties.Resources._4, new Size(375, 375));
                    case 5: CurrentBitmapImage = new Bitmap(GamePuzzle.Properties.Resources._5, new Size(375, 375));
                    case 6: CurrentBitmapImage = new Bitmap(GamePuzzle.Properties.Resources._6, new Size(375, 375));
                    case 7: CurrentBitmapImage = new Bitmap(GamePuzzle.Properties.Resources._7, new Size(375, 375));
                this.EmptyLocation = new Point(320, 340);
                this.NumberOfMoves = 0;
                this.ButtonArray = new MyButton[24];
                this.ButtonArray[0] = this.myButton1;
                this.ButtonArray[1] = this.myButton2;
                this.ButtonArray[2] = this.myButton3;
                this.ButtonArray[3] = this.myButton4;
                this.ButtonArray[4] = this.myButton5;
                this.ButtonArray[5] = this.myButton6;
                this.ButtonArray[6] = this.myButton7;
                this.ButtonArray[7] = this.myButton8;
                this.ButtonArray[8] = this.myButton9;
                this.ButtonArray[9] = this.myButton10;
                this.ButtonArray[10] = this.myButton11;
                this.ButtonArray[11] = this.myButton12;
                this.ButtonArray[12] = this.myButton13;
                this.ButtonArray[13] = this.myButton14;
                this.ButtonArray[14] = this.myButton15;
                this.ButtonArray[15] = this.myButton16;
                this.ButtonArray[16] = this.myButton17;
                this.ButtonArray[17] = this.myButton18;
                this.ButtonArray[18] = this.myButton19;
                this.ButtonArray[19] = this.myButton20;
                this.ButtonArray[20] = this.myButton21;
                this.ButtonArray[21] = this.myButton22;
                this.ButtonArray[22] = this.myButton23;
                this.ButtonArray[23] = this.myButton24;
                Random r = new Random();
                int[] a = new int[24];
                int i = 0;
                int b;
                bool exist;
                while (i != a.Length)
                    exist = false;
                    b = (r.Next(24) + 1);
                    for (int j = 0; j < a.Length; j++)
                        if (a[j] == b) exist = true;
                    if (!exist) a[i++] = b;
                for (int j = 0; j < a.Length; j++)
                    ButtonArray[j].Number = a[j];
                // set picture pieces as the background image
                int Number;
                int Row, Column;
                for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                        if (k == 4)
                            if (j == 4) break;
                        Number = ButtonArray[k * 5 + j].Number; //Get The Number Of Button
                        Row = (Number - 1) / 5;
                        Column = (Number - 1) - (Row * 5);
                        ButtonArray[k * 5 + j].Image = CurrentBitmapImage.Clone(new Rectangle(new Point(Column * 75, Row * 75), new Size(75, 75)), System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.DontCare);
                if (this.CurrentImageChanged != null)
                    this.CurrentImageChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
  • when user clicks a button (a piece of picture) game program must check this : "is empty location beside of clicked button?" if yes current button and "EmptyLocation" must change locations one another . all these are done in this part of code

            private void myButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                Button b = (Button)sender;
                if ((b.Location.X - 75 == EmptyLocation.X) && (b.Location.Y == EmptyLocation.Y))
                    b.Location = EmptyLocation;
                    EmptyLocation.X += 75;
                else if (b.Location.X + 75 == EmptyLocation.X && (b.Location.Y == EmptyLocation.Y))
                    b.Location = EmptyLocation;
                    EmptyLocation.X -= 75;
                else if (b.Location.Y - 75 == EmptyLocation.Y && (b.Location.X == EmptyLocation.X))
                    b.Location = EmptyLocation;
                    EmptyLocation.Y += 75;
                else if (b.Location.Y + 75 == EmptyLocation.Y && (b.Location.X == EmptyLocation.X))
                    b.Location = EmptyLocation;
                    EmptyLocation.Y -= 75;
  • when a square is moved by user , game program must check this : "current picture is complete or not?" or "user has won the game of must continue to try? all these works must be done in event "LocationChanged" of each button : 

            private void myButton_LocationChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
                MyButton A = sender as MyButton;
                YouWin = true;
                int ButtonNumber;
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    if (YouWin == false)
                    else for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                            ButtonNumber = i * 5 + j;
                            if (i == 4 && j == 4)
                            else if (GetNumber(ButtonArray[ButtonNumber].Location.X, ButtonArray[ButtonNumber].Location.Y) == ButtonArray[ButtonNumber].Number)
                                YouWin = false;
                if (YouWin)
                    if (MessageBox.Show("You Win This Game in " + this.NumberOfMoves.ToString() + " Moves\n\rDo You Want To Play Another Game ?", "Congratulation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
            private int GetNumber(int x, int y)
                int a, b;
                if (y == 40) // y-->Row
                    a = 0;
                    a = (y - 40) / 75;
                if (x == 20) // x-->Column
                    b = 0;
                    b = (x - 20) / 75;
                int Number = a * 5 + b + 1;
                return Number;

  • But how Game puzzle program realize that each square is located on its true location or not?

    this game has 24 square , and each square has a number , from 1 to 24 , and numbering of these squares are like this picture :

    these square are like a two-dimensional array , and each square has one X-dimensional and on Y-dimensional , for example square which is marked 14 ,its X-dimensional  is 4 and its Y-dimensional is 3 . therefore we can say number of square which is located in (4,3) must be 14 ,if its number is 14 ,its location is true otherwise its location is false 

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